Meeting consumers where they live…with a future full of savings.
Comcast’s XFINITY Triple Play has been a mainstay of the company’s retail business since 2005. The XFINITY Mobile launch and regional tour introduced XFINITY Internet customers to the opportunity to bundle internet service and mobile plans.
We brought a branded footprint literally to customers’ doorstep in apartment complex lobbies and lounges across priority regions to connect with existing and prospective customers to educate them on the new offering.
A XFINITY Mobile digital Fortune Teller demonstrated that the switch to XM could mean a future full of wish fulfillment and illustrated the potential savings for each consumer thinking about making the switch to XM. Think IBM’s Deep Blue meets Zoltar, Tom Hanks’s carnival clairvoyant from Big – a sleek, modern machine that “reads” each consumer’s deepest wishes and tells their (digitally generated) future.
These personalized futures were built on the flexibility, savings, and customizability made available to XFINITY customers through Comcast’s partnership with Verizon, which offers access to a nationwide network of hotspots – so customers can go virtually anywhere and always be connected.
Each future represented a realization of the flexibility of going virtually anywhere with their phone and still being able to use Verizon’s network, paid for with the savings from making the switch to XM, and customized according to the consumer’s wishes.
Highly trained Brand Ambassadors grounded in XM’s benefits and differentiators intercepted residents and encouraged them to have their XM fortune told to illustrate the benefits of signup while keeping other consumers and their families occupied and amused with food, beverages, and games so that each consumer could fully enjoy having their individual fortune told and experience the full XM story of flexibility, savings, and customizability.

The Results
1 K+
Unique fortune teller engagements
4.7 K
Unique impressions
2 +
Minutes average dwell time (2x goal)
18 %
of facility residents reached